How I discovered Barefoot Shoes

Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Irene and I am a mother of one very active little girl who helped me discover barefoot shoes.  She loves to jump, climb, run, and do all sorts of kid crazies!

 In our home, we're always barefoot, when I get home and remove my shoes... I always have this feeling like... "ahhh my feet are free! They can breathe!" I remember when my daughter started walking when she was turning one. I was told that she needs to get use to wearing shoes so that she can learn how to walk with them. So I bought her really cute crib shoes that worked well but she took them off any chance she got and I didn't like how sweaty her feet always got.

(Her first pair of shoes!)

 She eventually got the hang of it and shoes became a normal thing for going out. The shoes my daughter liked the most were actually gifts from her grandpa when he traveled to Asia. More on that in another post which were like barefoot shoes.

(Sock shoes from her grandpa that shoe loved at age 3)

(Water shoes from grandpa that were too big before and fits her now. Toddler size 10)

During the Covid-19 pandemic, we stayed home most of the time except for when I went out to pick up groceries, packages, and mail. I was too worried for my daughter and barely took her out with me on my grocery runs. She eventually grew out of her shoes and a brand new pair of Nike sneakers I bought for her (still new in the box). 

(Grew out of these. Brand new still in the box size 9)

(Shoes she was wearing right before quarantine.)

Finally when things were getting better, we wanted to take her out for walks. I ordered shoes for her, and when we were ready to go. She put her shoes on and started complaining, crying, and saying that it's uncomfortable. She said, "It's squeezing my toes, and they can't move!". I also bought her slides that she didn't mind wearing, but I told her she can't play in the playground with these slides because it's too dangerous.

(Slides that she only wanted to wear right after not wearing shoes for about a year.)

My husband said... she just need to get use to wearing shoes since she's barefoot all the time.  But I was thinking differently. I was thinking how can she stay barefoot all the time? or at least feel barefoot or comfortable without actually being barefoot. My hunt for comfortable shoes for her started right there. I was so happy to find companies that actually made barefoot shoes!

In this blog I will be reviewing barefoot shoes for mostly me and my daughter and maybe my husband, and also shoes that my daughter likes that's pretty close to barefoot shoes. We will include detailed pictures, videos and our input on quality, comfort, material, and customer service. My husband has already jumped on board with the Vibram barefoot shoes! Review on 2 pairs of sandals are coming soon.

(These sandals were the only shoes she accepted before I found out bout barefoot shoes. Currently wearing.)

(Her current shoes that she like. Review coming up!)

Thanks for visiting my blog. If you would like to follow my barefoot shoes journey and adventure, please subscribe and I'll see you in my next post. 
